Define the sensory profile of your wines.
Smart Sensory Solutions is a software that allows you to perform sensory analysis and consumer tests in a simple and immediate way, improving the collaboration within the different company teams. Find out how your wines are perceived to enhance your marketing campaigns and optimize the work in the cellar.
Smart Sensory Solutions is your portable sensory lab. Whether at the company premises or during a fair or wine tasting sessions with buyers, take advantage of each opportunity to collect strategic information to improve your promotional efforts and to support the production lines.
Consultancy Smart Sensory Solutions
Your portable sensory laboratory
We partner with wine companies to help them kickstart their sensory analysis, customise their tests design and analyse the data with a tailored advisory support. Start a sensory analysis program to understand the preferences of your consumers and guide your product development.
A solution designed for the wine sector.
Sensory analysis support wineries in marketing the product and throughout the production phase